- Fish
Oil Versus Flax Seed Oil—Which Is Better?
- Numerous authorities tout the health benefits of eating fish, yet concerns
about contaminants persist. Is flax seed oil a better alternative? (March
- The
Antioxidant Sky is Not Falling
- Alarmist headlines recently suggested that antioxidants and vitamins
do not help you live longer and might even shorten life. Once
again, the news media's impulse to sensationalize a story has
skewed the factual data about supplements and delivered "the wrong
message" to
millions of people around the world. (March 2007)
- With
Diabetes Surging Some Look For Alternative Treatment
- Over a third of American
adults now suffer from or are at risk for this disease. Research
indicates that several dietary supplements can be useful for
lowering and controlling insulin and blood sugar levels (October
- Top
Ten Ingredients in Weight-Loss Pills: No Clear Winners
- Is
there life after ephedra? Here we reprint Environmental Nutrition's
report on the ten most popular ingredients in weight-loss pills. (June
Research Clears Up Controversy Over Role of Nutrition and Dietary
Supplements in Cancer Treatment
- Appropriate
use of nutrition and dietary supplements can help maintain patient
health and strength. (May 2004)
SAM-e Offers Hope When Antidepressants Do Not Work
- Research
at Massachusetts General Hospital indicates that combining SAM-e
with prescription antidepressants improves patient response. (May
Use of Botanicals for Menopausal Symptoms to be Discussed at 12th
Annual Congress on Women's Health
- Session
will review data on efficacy and safety of botanical products
and assess their clinical use for menopause. (May 2004)
Lycopene Linked to Reduction in Fibroid Tumors
- Animal
research shows both fewer and smaller fibroid tumors in a 10-month
study comparing a lycopene-supplemented diet with a normal one.
(May 2004)
Genetic Mutation in Folic Acid Metabolism Raises Risk of Birth
Defects for 12% of Pregnant Women
- Neural
tube defects continue despite more folic acid in prenatal vitamins
and fortified foods. Genetic mutation appears to be the cause
for one in eight women. Different form of folate is a solution.
(May 2004)
Many Women Not Doing Enough to Prevent Osteoporosis
- Most
women do not understand the implications of osteoporosis. Despite
taking calcium supplements, roughly half of women over age 50
will have an osteoporosis-related fracture in their lifetime.
(May 2004)
Chromium Picolinate and Biotin Lower Heart Disease Risk for Type
2 Diabetics
- Research
indicates these nutritients lower risk factors for cardiovascular disease,
the leading cause of diabetes-related death, as well as improving blood
glucose levels. (May 2004)
Review of 60 Safety Studies Concludes Chromium Picolinate Is Safe
- A
review of more than 60 human, animal, and cellular studies conducted
over the past 30 years confirms that chromium picolinate is safe
for use as a nutritional supplement. (May 2004)
Supplement Developed by KGB Tames Risks of Alcohol-Related Diseases
- Research
shows that hangover-pill supplement reduces toxicity of alcohol
metabolism and may reduce risk of alcoholism, several cancers,
liver cirrhosis and alcohol-related neuropsychological disorders.
(May 2004)
Vitamin D Deficiency Seen as New Epidemic Among Adolescents
- Lifestyle
changes have put 30% of American adolescents at risk for fractures,
stunted growth and debilitating osteoporosis later in life. (May
When "Fatty" is Good: Omega-3 Oils and Fatty Acids"
- Many
Americans have embraced low-fat diets and foods. But some fats
help us fight heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. What are these
"good" fats and how do we get enough of them? (May 2004)
and Physical Structure of Fatty Acids
- The
terminology surrounding fatty acids can be confusing. Looking
at their structure helps us understand which are the "good fats"
and which are the "bad" ones. (May 2004)
Vitamin C Research Hints at New Treatment of Respiratory Disorders
- Vitamin
C is vital for normal airway function, may prevent symptoms associated
with airway diseases, and may be valuable for treating asthma,
cystic fibrosis and chronic obstructive lung disease. (March 2004)
Kids Breaking More Bones
- Doctors
are seeing more broken bones rather than simple bruising in normal
childhood falls, and blame reduced calcium consumption. (March
Vitamin B-12 Levels Linked to Bone Loss in Aging Women
- Study
of 83 older women finds more rapid bone loss among those with
lowest levels of vitamin B-12. (March 2004)
Sun Exposure for Vitamin D Is Bad Medicine
- Experts
say that recommending unprotected sun exposure to get adequate
vitamin D is misleading and medically irresponsible. (March 2004)
Calcium and Vitamin C Nourish Healthy Teeth and Gums
- People
with low intake of calcium and vitamin C are more likely to suffer
from periodontal disease. (March 2004)
New NIH Research Will Examine Utility Of Chromium Picolinate For
Diabetes and Heart Disease
- University
of Pennsylvania is starting a human clinical trial to study potential
benefits of chromium picolinate supplementation in men and women
diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome. (February 2004)
There's Hope for People with Age-Related Macular Degeneration
- High
levels of antioxidants and zinc can reduce risk of vision loss
by about 25 percent in patients with intermediate AMD in one or
both eyes, and those with advanced AMD in only one eye. (February
Johns Hopkins Endorses Vitamin E for Age-Related Macular Degeneration
- If
every American with intermediate AMD took these vitamins and minerals,
more than 300,000 people could avoid AMD-associated vision loss
over the next five years. (January 2004)
High Lycopene Levels in Women Associated with Low Risk of Cardiovascular
- Women's
Health Study of 40,000 women shows those with highest levels of
lycopene and other carotenoids have up to one-third lower risk
of contracting cardiovascular disease. (January 2004)
Research Indicates ProAlgaZyme May Decrease Risk of Stroke or
Heart Attack
- Independent
research indicates that ProAlgaZyme reduces the likelihood of
blood vessels becoming blocked by clots, which is a leading cause
of strokes and heart attacks. (January 2004)
Longevity with Healthy Lives
- A
plant consumed by inhabitants of the Longevity Islands in Japan
contains the antioxidant chalcone, which helps guard against heart
problems, cancer, oxidation of LDL cholesterol, osteoporosis,
diabetes, and even Alzheimer's disease. (December 2003)
Flexcin Joint/Pain Solution Launches to Retail Market
- This
new joint-health supplement contains a patented anti-inflammatory
ingredient, Cetyl Myristoleate, in addition to glucosamine complex
and MSM. (December 2003)
New Research Confirms Role of Vitamin E Supplements Against Macular
- A
new study has confirmed earlier reports that antioxidant supplements
including Vitamin E can be beneficial for people with vision loss
from age-related macular degeneration, or AMD. (December 2003)
Black Elderberry Extract Shortens Flu Duration by Half
- Clinical
research finds that Sambucol, an all-natural, proprietary black
elderberry extract, reduces symptoms and shortens duration of
flu types A and B. (December 2003)
Vitamin Supplementation Lowers C-Reactive Protein Levels
- Research
finds that an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease,
C-reactive protein (CRP), can be reduced by consuming a multivitamin.
(December 2003)
Higher Magnesium Intake May Reduce Risk Of Developing Type 2 Diabetes
- New
data from the Nurses' Health Study and Harvard School of Public
Health suggest that a higher intake of magnesium may reduce the
risk of developing type 2 diabetes. (December 2003)
New Study Shows British Nutritional Supplement May Prolong Life
Span Of HIV-Infected Individuals
- London
researchers find fewer deaths among HIV patients taking British
nutritional supplement. (November 2003)
Antioxidants and Cognitive Function: Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks
- Elderly
beagles are as bright as young dogs when their food is enriched
with antioxidants. But elderly dogs not on the diet lagged behind
in cognitive tests. (November 2003)
Research Will Investigate If Vitamin E And Selenium Can Prevent
Prostate Cancer
- Outreach
campaign is recruiting more African-American men to participate
in research on preventing prostate cancer. (November 2003)
Higher DHA Levels Associated With Reduced Risk Of Alzheimer's
- New
research indicates that higher DHA levels in the blood reduces
the risk of Alzheimer's disease in elderly men and women by as
much as 48 percent. (November 2003)
Scientists and Physicians Discuss Latest Discoveries for Stopping
Cancer before It Starts
- Findings
include antioxidant properties of grapes and wine, vitamin A and
prostate cancer, and enzymes influenced by green tea. (October
Pharmaceutical Scientists Present Groundbreaking Research Including
Two Herbal Treatments For Lung and Skin Cancer
- A
Chinese herb reduces lung cancer colonies by 70 percent. Topical
application of another herb prevents skin cancer and limits its
growth. (October 2003)
Pilot Study Indicates Chromium Picolinate May Be Useful Treatment
For Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- Patients
with PCOS raised insulin sensitivity by 35% and lowered insulin
levels by 22%. (October 2003)
Biotech Firm Continues Research On Therapy For Renal Disease
- Words.
(October November 2003)
Exercise Plus Calcium Citrate Provides New Path to Preventing
- Weight-bearing
and resistance exercises combined with calcium citrate supplementation
provided significant improvement in bone mineral density. (September
DHA Consumption Reduces Risk of Alzheimer's
- Research
shows people with the highest intake of DHA, an omega-3 fatty
acid, have up to 80% lower risk of developing Alzheimer's. (July
Lycopene May Lower Risk of Heart Disease in Women
- Research
on 40,000 women indicates that those who eat foods rich in lycopene
have up to 65% lowered risk of cardiovascular disease, strokes
and heart attacks. (July 2003)
Comprehensive Scientific Review Confirms Safety of Black Cohosh
for Menopausal Women
- Review
of all safety literature on black cohosh covering more than 2800
patients confirms no reported drug interactions and a low occurrence
rate of negative side effects, all minor. (July 2003)
Low Vitamin B6 Linked to Higher Risk of Stroke
- Medical
researchers have found that low levels of vitamin B6 in the blood
is associated with a higher risk of stroke. (June 2003)
Vitamin E Is Useful Aid to Cancer Treatment
- Used
in addition to radiation, chemotherapy and hyperthermia treatments
for cancer, vitamin E can both strengthen the effectiveness of
those treatments and reduce damage to normal cells. (June 2003)
Antioxidants Lower Hypertension in Rats
- A
diet rich in antioxidants both lowered blood pressure and improved
renal function in a strain of rats that are genetically disposed
to develop hypertension. (June 2003)
Vitamins A and D Improve Bone Health in Children and Adults
- In
new research presented at Endocrinology conference: vitamin D
deficiency is more common among African Americans than previously
thought, both high and low levels of Vitamin A can increase hip
fractures in older women, and calcium lost in the urine is related
to bone fractures in older women. (June 2003)
Vitamin E Can Also Combat Inflammation, Promote Strong Cells
- Vitamin
E, best known as an effective antioxidant, also has features that
may be even more important to your health, according to the Harvard
Medical School. (May 2003)
Coenzyme Q-10 Should Be Taken with Vitamin E
- The
popular dietary supplement CoQ-10 should be taken with Vitamin
E, the University of California at Berkeley's Wellness Letter
recommends. (May 2003)
Supplements Reduce Risk of Vision Loss
- For
patients with intermediate or advanced age-related macular degeneration,
high-dose levels of antioxidants and zinc supplementation significantly
reduce the risk of vision loss. (April 2003)
Chromium Picolinate Important for Insulin Resistance and Chronic
- Researchers
present newest data on chromium picolinate supplementation for
reducing risks of chronic disease. (April 2003)
Americans Consume Less Chromium Than Estimated Adequate Intake
- Research
finds that Americans consume less than estimated adequate intake
levels of chromium, a nutrient that may be linked to insulin resistance,
obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. (April 2003)
Vitamin E & C Supplements Found to Improve Outcomes For Surgical
- Supplements
of both Vitamin E and Vitamin C can improve outcomes of surgical
patients, according to the Johns Hopkins Medical Letter.
(March 2003)
American Cancer Society Finds Vitamin E Supplements Fight Bladder
- Health
records of more than 1 million adults over a 16-year period shows
that regular use of vitamin E supplements reduces the risk of
dying from bladder cancer. (February 2003)
Red Clover May Be Best Alternative Therapy for Treating Enlarged
- Urologist
reviews published studies of five popular herbs and reports that
isoflavones relieve symptoms of BPH. (January 2003)
PA Health Department Reminds Women That Folic Acid Prevents Birth
- Taking
folic acid every day before becoming pregnant and in early weeks
of pregnancy can reduce risk of neural tube birth defects by as
much as 70 percent. (January 2003)
Government Report Concludes That SAM-e Decreases Joint Discomfort
- A
US government report concludes that SAM-e is effective for joint
discomfort. (December 2002)
NIH Report Indicates Alternative Diet Pill Safer and More Effective
Than Ephedra
- Patients
using Xenadrine EFX show no signs of cardiac side effects and
burned significantly more calories than those taking two ephedra-based
products. (December 2002)
Research Shows Individuals Respond Differently To Nutrients
- Prostate
cancer research indicates some men may respond to certain nutrients
better than others, leading to customized recommendations of cancer-protective
regimens for individuals. (December 2002)
Bone Density Studies Find Two Useful Supplements and Risks for
Elderly Women Who End HRT
- Ending
hormone therapy for menopause can decrease bone density in elderly
women. Two supplements are found helpful for building bone density
in men with osteoporosis and young women anorexics. (November
American Heart Association Recommends DHA and EPA to Protect Heart
- Epidemiological
and clinical trials show that omega-3 fatty acids reduce the incidence
of heart disease. (November 2002)
Harvard Medical School Researcher Recommends Soy & Vitamin E as
Alternative to HRT
- Principal
investigator for Women's Health Initiative counsels women to use
soy foods and take Vitamin E as alternative to hormone replacement
therapy. (November 2002)
Two Studies Support Safety of Ephedra Products for Weight Loss
- Half-dose
of ephedra product is shown to be safe and effective for weight
loss. Cardiac study
indicates safety of ephedra-based supplement. (November 2002)
Vitamin E Seen as Preventing Early Artery Damage; Women May Need
More Vitamin E Than Men
- Vitamins
E and C help prevent oxidation leading to arterial damage. Also,
women may experience more oxidation than men and therefore need
more antioxidant protection. (November 2002)
Patients With AMD Can Restore Lutein Levels with Supplements
- Patients
with age-related macular degeneration who take high-dose lutein
supplements regularly can bring lutein levels back to normal.
(November 2002)
Glucosamine Can Slow Osteoarthritis
- Supplementation
can retard progression of osteoarthritis, according to research
published in Archives of Internal Medicine. (November 2002)
Folic Acid Reduces Risk of Miscarriage
- JAMA-published
research study finds that low level of serum folate is associated
with an increased risk of miscarriage. (November 2002)
CoQ10 May Slow Parkinson's Disease
- Research
with early-stage Parkinson's patients finds that supplementation
with CoQ10 can increase mitochondrial energy production and slow
progression of symptoms. (November 2002)
Common Spice May Protect Skin During Radiation Therapy
- Researchers
have found that curcumin, a compound found in turmeric and curry
powder, can reduce burns and blisters from radiation therapy for
cancer. Curcumin also inhibits tumor blood vessel growth. (October
Vitamin D3 Can Reduce Cancer Risk
- Vitamin
D supplements lower risk of deaths from 13 kinds of cancer: bladder,
breast, colon, esophagus, kidney, lung, ovary, pancreas, prostate,
rectum, stomach, uterus, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. (October 2002)
Omega-3 May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease
- Omega-3
fatty acids can reduce high blood pressure and thereby reduce
the risk of heart disease, according to a study of their effects
on the elasticity of large arteries. (October 2002)
Niacin Useful For Diabetics
- Contrary
to the prevailing medical wisdom, niacin can be both safe and
effective for treating lipid abnormalities in patients with diabetes.
(October 2002)
Black Cohosh Valuable For Menopause
- American
Botanical Council supports safety and effectiveness of black cohosh
for hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, irritability and sleeplessness
associated with menopause. (October 2002)
Research Suggests Black Cohosh Can Be Used Safely By Breast Cancer
- New
research indicates that women who should not take estrogen can
safely use black cohosh to relieve menopausal symptoms. (October
Folic Acid Helps Prevent Wide Range Of Diseases
- In
addition to preventing birth defects, recent research suggests
folic acid may also be beneficial for depression, arthritis, alcoholism,
Crohn's disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, vascular disease and
other chronic illnesses. (October 2002)
Vitamin E Supplements Give Same Protection as Foods
- Vitamin
E from supplements appears to provide the same protective effect
as vitamin E consumed in foods. (September 2002)
British Research Supports Nutritional Strategy For Eye Health
- Supplementation
with lutein raises density of macular pigment in both normal subjects
and patients with age-related macular degeneration. (September
Leading Herbal Experts Urge Perspective on Ginkgo
- While
a recent JAMA article finds no cognitive improvement for
normal elderly patients, herbal specialists say other studies
of ginkgo do show benefits. (September 2002)
Lancet study finds no health benefit from antioxidant supplements
in high-risk individuals
- Supplementation
with vitamins E, C and beta-carotene over five years showed no
difference between two randomized groups of 20,536 patients. (August
Dietary Change May Prevent the Most Serious Form of Prostate Cancer
- New
research suggests high fat and calcium may speed progression of
prostate cancer. (August 2002)
Folic Acid May Reduce Risk of Colon Cancer
- Researchers
find that supplementation appears to reduce abnormal cell activity
in the colon. (July 2002)
Scientists Discover How Omega-3 Fatty Acids Reduce Cancer Risk
- Researchers
have learned how omega-3 fatty acids act to reduce risk of colon
cancer. This discovery is likely to apply to many other forms
of cancer as well. (July 2002)
Antioxidants from Food Sources May Protect Against Alzheimer's
- Vitamin
E from foods lowers risk of Alzheimer's disease, but vitamin E
from supplements does not. (July 2002)
Herbal Trade Association Unveils HerbMed Database
- Database
of research information on 160 herbs is now available at website
of American Herbal Products Association. (July 2002)
Scientific Research Documents Health Benefits of Nutritional Supplements
- Supplement
trade organization reports on decade of research into health benefits
of nutritional supplements. (July 2002)
JAMA Article Urges All Adults
To Take Daily Multivitamin
- In
the Journal of the American Medical Association, Drs. Fairfield
and Fletcher of Harvard Medical School recommend that all adults
take a daily multivitamin. (June 2002)
Red Clover Isoflavones Help Maintain Healthy Cholesterol In Menopausal
- Menopausal
women who took a red clover isoflavone supplement for three months
maintained cholesterol levels better than women taking a placebo.
(June 2002)
Vitamin E Makes Prostate Cancer Cells Vulnerable
- Vitamin
E interferes with two proteins that play a central role in the
development of prostate cancer. In prostate cancer cells exposed
to vitamin E, the PSA level drops as much as 80 to 90 percent.
(May 2002)
Vitamin D Aids Chemotherapy For Advanced Prostate Cancer
- Addition
of calcitriol to chemotherapy treatment appears to improve therapeutic
response in men with hormone-refractory prostate cancer. (May
Vitamin A Cousin May Help Prevent Lung Cancer
- Researchers
have discovered that a "cousin" of vitamin A may reverse damage
that smoking causes in lungs. (May 2002)
CLA May Inhibit Growth of Colon & Prostate Cancer
contains two molecular components that inhibit proliferation of
colorectal cancer cells. Both isomers were also moderately effective
against prostatic cancer cells. (May 2002)
Vitamin E Supplement Fights Eye Disease; Green Vegetable Diet
'Difficult to Achieve'
- Supplementing
diet with vitamin E, vitamin C, beta carotene and small amounts
of zinc and copper can significantly reduce the risk of age-related
macular degeneration. (May 2002)
Herbal Extract From Guggal Tree Can Reduce Cholesterol
- Scientists
have found that guglipid, an extract of the guggal tree found
in Arabia and India, can help reduce cholesterol. (May 2002)
Calcium-Phosphorous Balance Affects Bone Health
- Calcium
and phosphorus are co-dependent nutrients affecting bone health.
Just as too little calcium can cause brittle bones, so can too
much or too little phosphorus.. (May 2002)
Ginseng Berry May Benefit Diabetics
- Recent
research suggests that ginseng berry may be more powerful than
ginseng root for controlling blood sugar. (May 2002)
Study Indicates Ephedra Safe and Effective for Weight Loss in
Healthy Individuals
- Patients
in a six-month study who took an herbal ephedra/caffeine product
lost more weight than the placebo group, without an increase in
significant adverse effects. (May 2002)
New Supplement Creates New Muscle Growth
- New
muscle-building supplement binds to myostatin protein and allows
growth of new muscle tissue in humans. (May 2002)
Ginkgo May Assist Multiple Sclerosis Patients
- Ginkgo
biloba may be useful for attention, memory and functioning of
patients who have mild multiple sclerosis. (May 2002)
Calcium Citrate Helps Heart As Well As Bones
- Researchers
say calcium citrate supplements may help otherwise healthy postmenopausal
women reduce cholesterol, improve heart health and possibly reduce
cardiovascular related events. (April 2002)
New Magnesium Information Center & HelpLine Aids Public and Physicians
- Magnesium
deficiencies can contribute to cardiovascular disease, hypertension,
complications of diabetes, and other health problems. Supplements
can ease symptoms of disease. (April 2002)
Vitamins Assist Treatment Of Hepatitis C
- Management
of hepatitis C therapy has benefited from the addition of antioxidant
vitamins C and E, which protect red blood cells. (April 2002)
Research Does Not Support Supplements For Breast Enhancement
- ConsumerLab.com
investigated and has found no clinical or scientific evidence
to support the efficacy of supplements for breast enhancement.
(April 2002)
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Protect Against Sudden Death From Heart Attack
- Analysis
of the Physician's Health Study indicates that men with high blood
levels of omega-3 fatty acids are strongly protected against sudden
death from heart attack. (April 2002)
Herbalists Criticize JAMA Report on NIH Study of St. John's
stresses that St. John's wort was not found to be better than
placebo for treating major depression. Since Zoloft also was found
no better than placebo, a stronger conclusion is that the trial
itself was flawed. The American Botanical Council, Council for
Responsible Nutrition, American Herbal Products Association and
National Nutritional Foods Association criticize the JAMA
report on several grounds. (April 2002)
Lycopene May Contribute to Women's Heart Health
- Lycopene,
an antioxidant in tomatoes, may reduce the risk of heart disease
in middle-aged and older women by as much as 33 percent. Heart
disease is the leading cause of death among American women. (April
Black Cohosh Product Reduces Menopausal Symptoms
- Recent
research on a black-cohosh product gives options for women who
seek alternatives to estrogen for relieving menopause symptoms.
(March 2002)
Vitamin E Seen as Potential Alzheimer's Weapon
- Scientists
at Harvard University list Vitamin E as a potential weapon in
the fight against Alzheimer's disease. (March 2002)
Calcium Supplementation Can Reverse Bone Loss
- Research
shows increased bone mass among older Americans on high protein
diets supplemented with vitamin D and calcium. (March 2002)
Schoolchildren Benefit From Vitamins
- Survey
shows improved school attendance, academics, behavior, energy,
appetite, and self-image of children given vitamins. (March 2002)
Vitamin E, Antioxidant, Zinc Combination Useful for Aging Eyes
- Antioxidant-zinc
combination reduces risk that age-related macular degeneration
(eye disease) will become advanced. (March 2002)
Calcium Vital for Healthy Bone Growth in Teenage Girls
- Calcium
supplements can aid significantly in developing optimum bone mass
in teenage girls. (March 2002)
- Chocolate
Contains Useful Antioxidants
- Harvard
newsletter reports that chocolate can help reduce health risks.
(February 2002)
- Supplements
For Healthy Skin
- Protecting
your skin from ultraviolet radiation takes a dermatologist's advice
and effective methods of delivering vitamins to the skin. (February
- Tufts
Nutritionists Say Vitamin E Supplements Needed to Combat Disease
- Vitamin
E helps prevent diseases, but only at intake levels you can't
get from food. (February 2002)
- Vitamin
A and Hip Fractures in Postmenopausal Women
- Postmenopausal
women with the highest intakes of vitamin A are also the most
prone to hip fractures. How can women get enough vitamin A without
increasing their hip fracture risk? (January 2002)
- Federal
Office of Dietary Supplements Leads Research Initiative
- Describes
the ODS research agenda, goals, and accomplishments in the six
years since its inception. (May 2001)
- The
Human Genome and Supplements: Will Consumers Benefit?
- Can
newly discovered knowledge of genetic individuality lead to individualized
diets and supplementation programs designed for optimal health?
(April 2001)
- Supplements
Headed Downstream? Research May Prove Otherwise
- Is
the money Americans spend on supplements being flushed down the
drain? NIH-funded centers are conducting clinical trials that
may begin to provide answers to vital questions. (November 2000)
- Our
Tax Dollars at Work
- More
than two dozen research studies on dietary supplements are now
being sponsored or performed by the National Center for Complementary
and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM*).
*NCCAM is part of the federal government's National Institutes
of Health (NIH).