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Folic Acid May Reduce Risk of Colon Cancer
16 August 2002
by Wyn Snow, Managing Editor

A new study published in the July issue of Gut finds that folic acid supplementation may reduce the risk of contracting colon cancer. Researchers from the Institute of Clinical Science at Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast state that folic acid appears to reduce abnormal cell activity in the colon.

While the study contained only 11 people, these patients had a history of recurrent precancerous growths. Researchers divided them into two groups; one received 2 mg of folic acid per day, the other a placebo.

After three months, the folic acid group had a significant reduction in abnormal cell activity. Just as importantly, cellular activity began to return to original levels when the supplementation ended. The researchers hypothesize that folic acid repairs cellular damage in the colon.

Thus, folic acid supplementation may help lower the risk of colon cancer in susceptible individuals. However, the researchers also caution that folic acid supplements may be harmful for patients with advanced cancer and people who take drugs for epilepsy, or have vitamin B-12 deficiency.


Jennifer Warner. "Folic Acid Fights Colon Cancer: Supplements May Help Those at Risk." WebMD Medical News, 19 July 2002. my.webmd.com/content/article/49/39851.htm.end-of-story


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