What is the quality of your
favorite brands?
Since the day that SupplementQuality.com went online over three
years ago, site visitors have asked us about the quality of specific
brands of dietary supplements.
Until now, answering quality questions has been beyond the scope
of our resources. Hundreds of manufacturers make scores of products
(creating many thousands of products in the marketplace).
Now, however, we have devised a way to address your questions by
mobilizing the knowledge of the thousands of people, including yourself,
who visit our website.
Register today!
The benefits of participating in this SupplementQuality.com survey
are clear: At no cost to you, you get to share your opinions about
specific supplements, anonymously unless you specify otherwise,
and you get to see everyone else's opinions too. Register
Your participation is vital to this pioneering work. Help us make
it possible for consumers to see what people really think about
specific supplements.
The contributed material contained in this Dietary Supplement
Quality Opinion Survey is provided entirely through voluntary participation
and does not represent the opinions, advice or endorsements, either
specific or implied, of SupplementQuality.com or its publisher,
the Dietary Supplement Quality Initiative.
The material in this survey is made available for viewing solely
at the discretion of registered participants of this survey and
is provided for informational purposes only. The material is not
offered as medical advice or prescription, nor is its accuracy vouched
for in any manner.